It is unfortunate that the beloveth country, South Africa is flooded with drugs smuggering; trafficking and various other criminal activities which include inter alia, robbery with aggravating circumstances, murder and other dangerous offences. People are not safe in their own homes. They fear for their lives and their loved ones.
The liberation and struggle for democratic change has been hampered by a series of criminal conduct. Drugs trafficking is a landmark for a weaken society. Such devastating conduct is a cancer to society.
Delangokubona business forum has brought hope back to people by facing drugs dealers and pimps face to face, they have paved a way for hope of the restoration of the origins conscience of Africa, “Ubuntu.”
It is to the people of South Africa to protect the people who protect them, and stand with forums in uprooting and alleviating all forms of criminal conduct.
The members of Saps work day and night in cleaning criminal activities and it is a fallacy should saps endeavors be filled with ironical corruption. The society must reciprocally help the helpers in reporting crime to the proper authorities.
We still see future in South Africa.
We may be down, but we are not out, we may lose the battle but not the war.